Thursday 7 February 2013

Breakfast: Your Secret Weapon To Weight Loss

What do flakes, bran cereal, oat, custard, apples and bananas have in common? They're good-for-you breakfast foods that might help keep you on the weight-loss straight and narrow.Research has shown that people who skip breakfast may not be as successful with weight management as those people who eat breakfast regularly.
 Why? Eating breakfast may help you reduce snacking and avoid overeating.
Eating breakfast is like filling up a fuel tank. When you wake up in the morning, your body is low on fuel, eating a morning meal can kick-start your engine by giving your body energy.
Skipping breakfast may make you more likely to overeat later in the day to make up for the missed meal.
"The ideal breakfast is based on carbohydrate,protein and dairy" this is in line with the theory that the most satisfying breakfasts deliver a quick shot of energy (by raising blood sugar levels rapidly) and then a longer term energy boost from high-fiber, complex-carbohydrate, protein-containing foods that slow digestion.
What does that mean for your oatmeal ,flakes and cereal? Toss a handful into a bowl of low-fat yogurt and then mix it up with some fiber-rich fruit. Other tag-team breakfasts include:
  • Skim milk and wheat bread with  peanut butter or sugar free jam
  • Banana and bran flakes cereal
  • High-fiber cereal with fat-free or lowfat milk and dried or fresh fruit
  • Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs (or egg whites) with a couple of wheat crackers
  • Low-fat yogurt and a grain-rich cereal bar
  • A banana and a small handful of  almonds

Enjoy your day!


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